Tyson's Brave Battalion

Tyson's Brave Battalion
Things don't go wrong and break your heart so you can become bitter and give up. They happen to break you down and build you up so you can be all that you were intended to be.” ~Samuel Johnson

Sunday, September 25, 2011

We're Home! HopeKids Wasatch Adventure and Hospital stay

WE ARE HOME!!  YAY!!  We love to be home!  It is funny how much you can miss the mundane in life when suddenly you don't have it anymore!  I guess it is kind of like Brady coming home from Iraq and feeling overwhelmed with gratitude as we sat in the church at Stake Conference.  We don't even notice how nice it is to sit inside a church surrounded by hundreds of people who love you and love the Lord because we do it every Sunday.  We are continuously being reminded of how much we are blessed and how good we have it!   Life sure does throw you curve balls once in a while but it is amazing the peace we feel and the blessings we can see no matter what is going on in life.  It just reminds us how much we need prayer, scripture study and family.  If we have those then no matter what...LIFE IS GOOD!! : ) 

So now, Ty's ANC is 200 which is very low called neutropenic.  It basically means his body can't fight germs.  Which is why Rhinovirus (a cold) landed him in the hospital.  That is the only thing that has come back positive on the tests they ran to see why he had a fever.  They have him on ceftazadime anyway just to make sure and get whatever gave him the fever.  We'll do that for a couple of days until he goes back to clinic on Tuesday for more chemo.  Then we will find out if he has to stay on the IV antibiotic for more days or if they think he can be done with it.  He is doing pretty good, still eating if he has had zofran, starting to get mouth sores from the doxorubicin he's on, but they aren't too bad yet.  We'll probably post again on Tuesday after his appointment.

So here we go with the whole germ thing again...we basically have to keep him away from as many people as possible...no child visitors...lots of hand washing and sanitizer and cleaning...and lots of other rules that are too many to list.  Here's how the weekend was...
It isn't flu season so the kids were allowed to come in and visit Ty in his room.  They were so excited to actually see what it is like in there for him.  Tyson and I wore our matching shirts that day even though we didn't get to go to the HopeKids Wasatch Adventure with them.

Big muscles at 4am when I finally got admitted.  5 hours is way too long to spend in the ER...especially in the middle of the night!!  Hopefully next time we will be able to just go to our local hospital where they directly admit us so we don't have to set foot in the ER.  We were admitted to the same room that we were in at diagnosis which was kind of fun...and familiar to Ty.  He wasn't even upset that we weren't going home yet.

Visiting the funny vending machine that tells you vending machine food is bad for you when you push the buttons.

The tech brought Merin some Doritos too...she was loving the hospital life!

Brady stayed with him the second night and the day until he was discharged from the hospital.  Tyson thinks his dad is the coolest cause he let him watch a movie to go to sleep.  They also played xbox to their hearts content.  Mom got to hang out at her sister's house with the kids (Thank you for letting us invade your house for the weekend on short notice!) and Merin and the other kids didn't mind having mom around one bit. ; )

HopeKids Wasatch Adventure fundraiser...looks like they got to put Ty's name on something

Adventure walk...woo hoo!

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