Playing X-box with his buddy.
He stayed up late last night so he was tired today! We let him stay up since we knew he would be getting sleepy medicine, he seems to have a better day if he sleeps on the way home.He was happy to see Elliot the Therapy Dog for a few minutes. Elliot is the one who will put his paws on the bed and pray for you. Ty is doing much better at interacting with people at medical places, he used to ignore everybody and everything as a coping mechanism. Today with a little nudging he responded to a couple of the nurses, his doctor, and he even gave one nurse the kiss she's been begging for. Granted it was an air kiss and he was still pretty sedated when he did it, but she's counting it.
He was hungry on the way (on back poke days he's not allowed to eat or drink before the sedation) so he ordered costa vida right after. Unfortunately he fell asleep as soon as we left and slept all the way home so we got his costa vida as soon as we drove into soon as he opened it he felt like he was going to throw up so it is waiting in the fridge for his Zofran to kick in.
He just asked me why he has a bandaid on his shoulder (they gave him his flu shot while he was sedated...a little perk to being sedated a lot, we can sneak an extra pokie in here and there) He is doing great! He grew to 105cm and weighs 19.3 which is about 42.5 lbs. His ANC is 3000 so they are upping his dose just a smidgen from 4 halfpills a week to 5 halfpills a week of 6mp and his methotrexate stays the same at one pill per week. Hopefully that will keep his ANC where it is supposed to be (a little below normal at around 1000) without going too low (when it's low he has a much higher risk for life-threatening infections) Other counts: WBC 4.4 (low, but normal for him), HCT 34.5, RBC 4.13, PLTS 243, HGB 11.8. I made a video of Ty's journey so far... hopefully it explains better than I can why we support CureSearch and other Childhood Cancer charities. Watch it, share it, and become a fighter with Tyson! We'd love to have you on our team!!! To join the team click HERE click on "JOIN TEAM" and follow the instructions. If you are a member of the team and you donate/raise $100 or more you get the official CureSearch T-Shirt. If you cannot make it to the walk join as a virtual walker. THANKS!!!!