Tyson's Brave Battalion

Tyson's Brave Battalion
Things don't go wrong and break your heart so you can become bitter and give up. They happen to break you down and build you up so you can be all that you were intended to be.” ~Samuel Johnson

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Uneventful...the way we like it

Does this look like a kid who is enjoying his summer or what?  The red on his forehead is just dried blood from a scab on his head that scraped off somehow...he didn't want me to wash it off.  He is still having a great summer...
'helping' in the garden which usually means eating the peas or jumping on the tramp while we weed...
Throwing candy in the Pioneer Day parade with the other military families...
 and helping dad build a castle playhouse in the backyard. 
Ty is still on the same meds, 25% of his normal 6mp chemo dose, and 10% of his normal MTX dose and then the antifungal etc.  He still has a cough, he has had it so long I don't even remember when it started, I think the middle of June sometime...but it doesn't seem to slow him down.
The antifungal makes his skin red, especially his face and hands, and makes him burn really easy in the sun...we can't wait until he is off of that stuff, really hoping for clear lung scans at his appt in August so we can be rid of voriconazole! He woke up feeling crappy a couple of days ago, said he was hungry but just laid on the bench at the table instead of eating. I gave him some zofran, we snuggled for a while and then he perked up and went to play.  It is amazing how well he is doing and how little we think of all things cancer now.  What a relief!  The blog posts will (hopefully) be much more boring from here on out...here's to the next two years of treatment being super uneventful!! Yahooo!!  (crossing fingers!!)

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